January 3, 2013

Social Media Talk

A mere mention is enough to be tapped to the core. 
Your digital whisper is as audible as the loudest roar. 
We don't need to be friends, you don't need to tag me. 
All you need is to click on send and I shall see.

September 30, 2012

Link to the Past & Present

Things not done carry over;
Things you can't get off your shoulder;
As another month comes;
With it  a new checklist of undones.

September 16, 2012

The Bigger Picture

Know the whole, not the part,
Be observant from the start
Present actions won't prevent,
And changes course of future events.

June 20, 2012

One Letter Senses it All

The EAR is to hEAR, To SEE is to SEEk.
Your expression's PEAK is when you sPEAK.
NOW you kNOW HOW to sHOW.

September 28, 2011

A Passport to Blow

They blow, they soak, they make their presence known;
Entering the land, no passport they own;
Wind & rain, mix and match;

Hovering from one place to another, they lash.

September 10, 2011

Living the Memory

I won't see you anymore
But I will always remember joyous stories from the past
When today and tomorrow cease to exist
It's those memories that stay to last

- dedicated to my good friend AJ Matela.

May 1, 2011

Human Swarm

Thousands of people in participation¨
Wishing to reach the same destination¨
One pack, one path, one goal¨
Starts with a simple ready, set, go.

April 23, 2011

Foodja Vu

A summary of past menus
A buffet of 2nd hand samples
A reminder of what the taste buds encountered
Served altogether transforms into more than ample.

April 19, 2011

Plan To Halt

Constant tweaking, endless planning
Deciding from a ton of options
Freeze the future for it won't unfold
Your destiny has just been put on hold.